There are stringent regulations regarding school attendance and it is most important for children to attend school regularly. Parents are legally responsible for sending their children to school and children should normally only be absent for the following reasons, which would be recorded as authorised absences:-
- Sickness. (Pupils who are absent from school because of vomiting or diarrhoea should remain absent from school for 48 hours after symptoms have stopped to prevent cross infection).
- Attending medical or dental appointments (please try to attend appointments after school where possible).
- Educational visit arranged by the school.
- Holidays in Term Time – Holidays should only be taken in exceptional circumstances during term time and only after agreement with the school. Parents need to fill in a holiday form requesting annual holiday absence, which will be considered on an individual basis by the school and giving regard to the pupil’s current attendance.(95% or 95%+) Forms are available from the school office.
However, if school does not grant leave of absence for holiday and a child still goes on holiday, this would be recorded as unauthorised.
Any other absence which the school considers unacceptable e.g. shopping trips or birthdays, are registered as an Unauthorised Absence and will lead to further investigation by the school and possibly the Education Welfare Officer. All Unauthorised Absences must be published in the School Brochure each year. Any child who arrives in school after the doors have closed will be marked as late.
We require a telephone call or message on the first day of absence explaining the reason for the absence. The school clerk will phone parents of pupils who are absent and for whom we have not received notification. It is also essential that we receive a note confirming the reason when your child returns to school . Parents will be contacted if they have not supplied an absence form. Any absence not explained has to be recorded as Unauthorised. Similarly, if pupils need to be collected early from school for essential medical appointments, parents must report to the school clerk at the main entrance, who will arrange for the pupils to be signed out.
Absences can also be reported through the Class Dojo system Please use the private messaging facility for the school clerk and your correspondence will remain private. If you use this facility you do not need to provide an absence note.
Please ensure that your child arrives on time for school. Your child should be in school on time to join the class entering the main school doors between 8.50am and 9am. Any child arriving after this will be marked as late and you will be required to sign them in.